Monday, February 15, 2010

A vision of things to come…

So, I’m aware that everyone is terrified of the future. I am also aware of the fact that nobody knows what can possibly happen. But I have a belief to what could happen. Of course, this is an entirely ‘what if’ situation… I’m also pretty sure no one actually read this. In fact the only reason why I am even writing at all is to so I can say ‘I told you so!’ in case it does happen (though, unlikely). But, since no one does read this, if I am wrong, no one will ever know. Basically it’s a win-win situation for me. It is also a rant, which is why it fits well here…

(Please note that the numbers you see after some sentences are normal - they are footnotes. Unfortunately, this blog does not allow you to use the footnote standard you see in Word, so I had to do it the ole fashioned way)

So, here’s what I think is going to happen, from a political standpoint:

Sooner or later, Iran is going to have nuclear capabilities. Now whether this is for peaceful or military purposes, I really have no idea. I do know that this is going to piss EVERYONE off, once again; I really have no idea why it will piss everyone off. I mean, why do we get all pissed when another country gets nuclear arms. I mean, really! Aren’t we the only country to EVER use them on an enemy, in fact, we used them on a predominantly civilian population. It sounds like we were trying to terrorize the Japanese into surrendering, ring any bells? But I digress, I’m not here to give a history lesson, I’m here to explain the future.

Anyways, Iran wants to go nuclear and the world is going to be very upset. Israel stated that if Iran does go nuclear they are going to attack. In fact, this past summer Israel had asked the United States if they could use our airspace over Iraq to attack Iran then, but we said no.1 When Israel does attack Iran, tempers in the region are going to flame up even more so. And, we as a country will soon find ourselves in the conflict. It is just something we do, it’s not a war until America’s involved. In the waning days of the Bush administration, the government was looking for someway to either go to war with Iran, or find a way to completely destabilize the region.2 The United States has been looking for a way to attack Iran ever since the Iran hostage crisis. Basically, we can’t let anything go. In fact the only reason why we ever got involved with Iran in the first place was because after their revolution, the UK asked us to step in because Iran was Britain’s main oil exporter. After the revolution Britain feared it would lose its oil reserves.3 The US and the CIA stepped in an attempt to destabilize everything. And of course there is still an animosity today. Simply put, the United States and Iran like each other just as much as the Bloods and the Crips like each other. (There is a whole other story in here about how the US hates revolutions even though we were founded on one – but I’ll save that for another day).

So, after Israel attacks Iran, the United States will get involved. So now you are looking at the US being involved in four countries in the Middle East: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Iran. Not to mention that the US has its hands in Somalia, the Philippines, and Mexico. (Personally, I believe we should only be involved in the drug war in Mexico, but I’m gonna try and stay with the facts here.)

With the countries economy still in tatters and the bailout programs only putting us more in the hole, it seems impossible for us to actually afford to be involved in everything. People on the right are going to hate Obama for having to raise taxes even more so… (Of course, I still think a main reason why they hate Obama is due to the fact that he is black… most people on the right side of the spectrum can’t stand a non-WASP in the white house, once again, I must try and leave my opinions out of this) Most people of the left are going to be pissed because we are going to find our selves in four wars while things in our own country are getting worse and worse.

To save money, we are going to have to start divert our resources to the main battlefields: Iran and Afghanistan. Leaving Iraq and Pakistan venerable. Once we leave Iraq, the civil war is going to heat up, to the point where the country is either going to collapse or be close to it. If you will, please imagine a seesaw in your minds eye. On one side is Iraq… and once Iraq goes down, the other side is going to go up; i.e. - our oil prices. (Do you like that metaphor? Because I do.) After Iraq goes, Pakistan is next; a lot of people in our government are terrified of Pakistan falling to a terrorist regime. Which is a possibility because we will have to take all our resources out of that country to fight in another.

Now we’ve gotten to a point we’re the majority of the countries in the Middle East are at war with us: Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and every country that hates Israel (so that’s basically every country in the region: Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, etc.) Every Muslim government could use this Israeli/American v. Iranian War as a catalyst to attack us. So now, all of North Africa could be involved.

At home, everyone is screaming! The right about how we are losing, the left about the fact that we are even involved and the apathetic because they can’t drive to work anymore with having to shell out half their pay check to the pump and the other half to the war effort. All this hate towards the government will only lead to one thing: insurrection. It doesn’t matter who starts it, as long as it is started. Let’s just say a radical-left group tries its hand at taking over the government; you are now looking at the reactionary way-far right militias taking up arms to combat them… because they already at odds with the government and don’t trust them to do anything about it. (Of course this could go both ways, if the far right tries a coup – the left will soon rise up. For a comparison, please read up on the Spanish Civil War – it is every similar and history has a way of repeating itself.) Now the U.S. has to deal with warfare at home and aboard. While common man, who is usually too apathetic or too sacred to do anything is now caught in the crossfire. (The fact that people are too afraid to speak up against the government, to me, is absolutely appealing… but I am going to have to save that for another day.)

With the U.S. military fighting on two different continents, the country is going to have to go into a police state to try and control everyone. Making the general population even more pissed. So much for ‘land of the free.’ And all this time, China is just biding there time. Even wonder why you keep hearing more and more about China in the news, because they are soon going to pass us as the number one country in the world. By 2034 the Chinese economy is going to be larger and stronger than ours 4 (personally, I really don’t care and I haven’t thought of America as a number one for a long time, but that’s opinion… so sorry.) Anyways, China is just waiting for us to mess up. We already owe billions upon billions of dollars to them and once we put one foot out of line, they have a reason to attack us. Most countries feel if you want to become number one, you must topple who is on top, while all these events are going on, it would be the perfect time for China to attack. While everything is happening, it could be very very easy for us to put one foot out of line. With North Africa getting involved in this mess, we will eventually get involved in the Sudan, a country with an ongoing genocide and a state known to harbor terrorist, it is also one of China’s main exporters of oil. If we bomb their oil reserves your looking at China getting involved in this mess. But who knows, I mean, what type of country would ever go to war over oil, oh wait…

So China’s military is three times the size of ours and so is their population. Once China joins the fight, North Korea will soon join. At this point, I would have to say we are now in World War Three, the one people have been dreaming and scheming about for decades.

Now, I don’t think I can predict any more. It doesn’t exactly take the smartest man in the world to predict that a war is going to happen. I mean, really, it is just inevitable… humans hate each other, all we need is a reason to fight. Well, more like an excuse. It is pretty easy to see why and where countries stand. So it is pretty easy to figure out how we are going to get there. Once we do though, it is anyone’s game to win.

1. - Source:
2. - Source:
3. - Source: Please read Odd Arne Westad book The Global Cold War: Third World Interventions and the Making of Our Times
4. - Source:*
*This is not my main source, it came from book, however, this just gives me the immediate proof.